How Why DIY Day – Family Fun

Family Fun Day – come and explore Drawbots For old and young alike – come and create a Drawbot from felt tips, a paper cup, a battery, motor and wires, then set your drawbot free to create a masterpiece. Nintendo DS Orchestra Bring yours, your kid’s and their Nintendo DS’ and learn how to make music with free software (not released yet but coming soon) made by Pixelh8 At the end of the day everyone is invited to an open...

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How Why DIY Day – Workshops announced

How Why DIY – Can now bring you these workshops Blogging – a how to guide Come and learn how to Blog from one of the regions’ top cultural bloggers. 1-2 hour workshop Working with WordPress Your free out of the box website – save yourself the heartache of creating a traditional website and produce one in minutes for little or no cost. 1-2 hour workshop Podcasting Use open source software to record audio to add to your...

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Suggest a workshop

If you would like to run a workshop at How? Why? DIY! Then here’s how How? Why? DIY! takes place on 22nd August 2010 in Liverpool Register as a member – it’s free and we don’t bite ———— Register Here You’ll be sent an email to activate your account just to confirm your not a robot. Once you have confirmed you will be able to contribute to the forum for How Why DIY – your...

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This is an all day event, which will have something for everyone

DATE: Sunday 22nd August 11-5pm This is a one day extravaganza of all things techy and social. A lively interactive day long series of events and educational workshops. DS Orchestra Bring yours, your kid’s and their Nintendo DS’ and learn how to make music with free software (not released yet but coming soon) made by Pixelh8 At the end of the day everyone is invited to an open jam session with their composiitons! This open...

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Thanks for joining up to How Why DIY You should have recieved an activation email asking you to confirm that it was you that asked to join How Why DIY, you will need to click on this then log in again before you can even start joining groups and getting involved. On How Why DIY there are a number of groups that you can join, post your comments to and we encourage you to do just that. Have a quick look at the groups –...

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