Oggcamp12 + Open Hardware Jam

Get your tickets quick! OggCamp is an exciting and ever growing free culture unconference organised by our very own Dan Lynch (hats off dan to get it here) and many others and this year, its at the Art and Design Academy in Liverpool! Mingle with Raspberry Pi, Canonical, Mozilla, The Ubuntu Podcast, Linux Outlaws and Google and browse all sorts of Linux and open source goodies. A big part of Oggcamp is going to be the Open Hardware...

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Come and explore open data @SMCliv

Come along and find out about open data and what it might mean to you! We’re told that open data has enormous economic potential, from developing new markets to creating services for local government, at this months Social Media Cafe Liverpool we will be meeting those who are currently using open data and look at some of the ways they are using it. You interested? Then this months #SMCliv is for you. Our Speakers Julian...

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This looks an ideal event https://www.eventbrite.com/event/3514755729 for How Why DIY members. It’s at FACT, has Raspberry Pi’s and involves coding. You can find out more about the event on the Studio website but get in quick as I have already booked.

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Social Media Cafe – the audio one

The sound one …..a look at audio podcasting, platforms and careers To the uninitiated Social Media Cafe is a fun and informative evening where we discuss Social Media and digital practices, we normally have three presentations and then a chance to ask questions. This one is focusing on audio platforms and we have three great speakers lined up with some extras jumping in and giving short talks about audio projects and platforms. The...

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How? Why? DIY! – we are now official

How? Why? DIY! has incorporated as a Community Interest Company to promote the benefits of technology to the residents Liverpool and network creative technologists in the area.   How Why DIY CIC – a bit of a mouthful now with the CIC on the end but as we have been doing a great deal of work and plan to do more it was only fair to incorporate. We have incorporated to or aim to. run events that promote community focus for...

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Social Media Cafe – feedback

  We have had some great feedback from participants and speakers at Social Media Cafe, so it looks like we will be continuing with this form of Digital Salon very soon. Remember other digital salons are available.         Here is the Ustream video but if you care to wait a couple of weeks the individual videos will be available soon on the Social media cafe website. Video: Social Media cafe Liverpool We will...

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