How Why DIY update
Say goodbye to Buddypress Since we started the site back in 2010 we have always used Buddypress but now we have taken the decision to do away with the WordPress plugin as the traffic to the forum does not measure up to the amount of work we have to put in to maintain it and keep the site clean of spammers, in other words we were spending too much time updating it and not enough time developing the community in the real world –...
Update on our Social Media Surgery
Back in March we organised a social media surgery for 3rd sector organisations and here is a quick report back from those sessions. Find out who we helped below. How Why DIY helped Sam Avery to The Comedy Trust is a fantastic organisation that offers comedy workshops at their venue and in the workplace. Sam Avery from Liverpool’s Comedy Trust came along to discuss their Social media needs and if I can remember without the aid...
Free Social Media Surgery in Liverpool
Members from the local voluntary and community sector groups are invited to this free social media advice session. You’ll get practical hands-on advice for putting social technology into action for your cause, to help you reach a wider audience and promote the good work you do. Whether it’s getting started sharing your group’s stories and aims through blogging, forming a community around a Facebook group, or reaching...
Link with Liverpool community college delivers excellent results
Last month we had the pleasure of working with students from Liverpool community college and asked the media students if they could produce some promotional videos for us for Ignite Liverpool. We have been really pleased with the results especially due to the tight turn around time we had set them. The students took our brief and set out to interpret it in filmic fashion and I think you’ll agree these videos are superb and show...
Digital Apprenticeships from Liverpool Community College
I was lucky enough to be invited to the launch of a Digital apprenticeship scheme the other week at the new Liverpool Community College building on Roscoe Lane. It was a great event and when meeting one of the organisers I asked for some digital copies of the paperwork so I could circulate them. So please find them attached. It’s a great scheme so do have a look at the paperwork. Apprenticeship Guidance Notes Available Funding...