What is a drawbot?

There are many things at How Why DIY that the family can get involved in, but making a drawbot is something that caters for all ages, and may appeal particularly to those who enjoy being creative with pen and ink. A drawbot is a drawing robot which is very easy and quick to put together, and always entertains any passers by. Using pens, paper cups and a few electronic bits and pieces you’ll be a seasoned drawbot inventor in no...

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Rathole Radio joins the line up for How Why DIY Day

We are really pleased to be able to announce that Rathole Radio will be Streaming there show LIVE from How Why DIY, this Sunday. Rathole Radio is a fortnightly Internet radio show and music podcast featuring a wide range of styles, focusing on artists you may not have heard before. We try to discover the most exciting new independent music, whatever the style, whatever the sound, anything goes. We believe people are too hung up on...

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Workshop spaces still available at How? Why? DIY!

There are some spaces still available for the workshops that are being run at How WHY DIY this Sunday. Read on Working with WordPress Your free out of the box website – save yourself the heartache of creating a traditional website and produce one in minutes for little or no cost. 1 hour workshop Booking Link Podcasting Use open source software to record audio to add to your website and give it added dimension. Plus a look at Feeds,...

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Free Workshop – Create your own Fanzine

Paul Tarpey of DEFCON Fanzine will take you through the basics of creating a fanzine; you’ll then be on your own to research, write and photograph what you want to include. Create in one day what your friends will be reading all week. Bring your creativity with you. Write, photograph and layout. 10am til 4pm Venue details will be emailed to you closer to the date.

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Come and see – Working with Arduino’s

Working with Arduino’s Come along and take a look at the little computing gadget that is going to be driving your home in the near future, it will be telling you anything from how polluted the air in your area is, to watering your plants. Here you can see demonstrations of how an arduino reads the Internet to blow bubbles, tell your wife where you are and even predict your future.

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Come and see – Ubuntu Install Area

Ubuntu Install Area Do you believe that computers should be for everyone and work for us without paying a fortune for the latest software upgrade? Yes – Well then this is for you. Linux your machine to the max with the Ubuntu operating system – plus get recommendations on other free or open source packages for creating, for your office or for watching video. Test it out on your laptop – I did and it brought my 10 year old...

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