Rathole Radio joins the line up for How Why DIY Day
We are really pleased to be able to announce that Rathole Radio will be Streaming there show LIVE from How Why DIY, this Sunday.
Rathole Radio is a fortnightly Internet radio show and music podcast featuring a wide range of styles, focusing on artists you may not have heard before. We try to discover the most exciting new independent music, whatever the style, whatever the sound, anything goes. We believe people are too hung up on genres and pigeon holes, open you mind and your ears will follow.
We promote the Free Culture movement and “copyleft” with Creative Commons licenses. We also play the odd copyright track sent in by independent artists with permission.
The show will be broadcast (and recorded) as part of the How Why DIY event at Nerve Centre in the middle of Liverpool, 9 – 10pm Sunday 22nd Aug. Stick around to hear some great music, have a laugh and also check out an exclusive acoustic performance.
You can find out more at ratholeradio.org
The Nerve Centre, Renshaw Street, Liverpool, L1