This is an all day event, which will have something for everyone
DATE: Sunday 22nd August
This is a one day extravaganza of all things techy and social. A lively interactive day long series of events and educational workshops.
DS Orchestra
Bring yours, your kid’s and their Nintendo DS’ and learn how to make music with free software (not released yet but coming soon) made by Pixelh8 At the end of the day everyone is invited to an open jam session with their composiitons!
This open workshop is an introduction to the wonderful world of Homebrew on the Nintendo DS; free and open source software development for the DS which is a deceptively powerful piece of kit.
Learn how to install moonshell using the DSTTi and turn your DS into a media player with support for mp3, ogg and .dpg video; who needs an iPod touch when the DS has dual screen action, a massive developer community and the DSi has 2 video cameras!!
Learn how to make music with drawing! The amazing Drawdio project started by Jay SIlver and Eric Rosenbaum (please correct me if im wrong on its origins & development) and now taken up by other designers and available from Ladyada in kit form is the perfect introduction to basic circuit design and building and its incredibly fun to use for all ages.
Retro Gaming and Wii phonics –
Do stuff for free with the Nintendo WiiRemote, some circuit bending or other forms of hardware hacking that young and old can do…
Bring the kids and have a go at making Drawbots, a simply way to create a mini robot; take a cup, battery, motor, pens and wires.
Set it off to create simple picture as the motor drive the drawbot across the page.
Free Workshops
From Citizen reporting with blogging, podcasting, vidcasting, Live streaming and social media, take this opportunity for a free insight
- For more information and to book click the links below.
- Introduction to Blogging
- Working with WordPress
- Learn how to podcast
- Live stream video
- Computer repair and recycling
Ever wanted to take the back off your computer to fit a new drive or memory – well this session will give you the confidence to open up your machine.
Ubuntu Install Area
Bring in your old laptops and bring them back to life with the lite operating system that means you pay nothing to Microsoft and it’s all for free.
The Nerve Centre, new to open in the old Rapid Paint shop, Renshaw street, Liverpool.
All this and No charge
There is No Charge – so we are relying on the kindness of others to contribute to making this event happen. So if you work from an organisation that has resources to give or donate then get in touch as we need you.
TwitterFollow us on twitter @HowWhyDIY then follow #howwhydiy hastag. Please tag all media concerning this event with #HowWhyDIY